Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome Gorgeous Newborn Baby "J"!

Oh my! Baby "J" has the most gorgeous crop of thick, surfer-blonde hair on a newborn that I have ever seen. His Mommy told me the nurses at the hospital were fighting over who would care for him and I can easily see why. Hahaa. What a cutie!

Little "J" was very wide-eyed and alert most of the time I was photographing him and he started to close those big baby blues as I was packing up my stuff - figures! He reminds me of how alert my son was as a newborn. This shoot was more of a challenge for me because we dealt with unusually low light, thanks to a dark morning sky full of raindrops. Luckily, J's mommy has a beautiful kitchen skylight that provided some great opportunities for lighting in some shots. 

Congrats "E" & "P" on a second beautiful son. You make seriously beautiful children and "E", it was awesome to see you after all these years since high school! Here are a few shots to view.

check out all that awesomely thick blonde hair!!!
(above image) I like to refer to this as the Baby George Constanza

just beautiful...