Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

What a strange Halloween it has been this year! With a few inches of snow on the ground, major power outages in town (our home was luckily spared this time), and bitter cold weather, it didn't feel as much like the typical fall occasion that I love to celebrate. However, I did keep the inside of our home festive with a warm apple pie candle burning, some festive treats I made in my cake decorating class and of course, my favorite creation - Liam! He was a cuddly lion this year. I hope everyone had a safe, fun Halloween with their little ones! Here are a few shots from our home's Halloween:

 my little Liam...getting so big

I made some treat bags filled with goodies for Liam and his play date Halloween party (at a friend's home) that we had to miss, due to the crazy weather...
 a rose in a cobweb has such a nice contrast. all cupcakes here are homemade buttercream
my buttercream 3-layer pumpkin cake got raving staff reviews in my husband's office. believe it or not, for a pumpkin this big, 4 lbs. of granulated sugar was needed, but I tweeked the recipe so that I was only using 3 lbs. and it seemed just right. glad people could enjoy it!
here is one of the concoctions I created while Liam was napping on Saturday. I took some veggies out of the fridge and thought, " I should make some monster faces for the party with them." So I did. Our fridge looked freaky inside afterwards. :-)