Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Hello! Happy Be-lated Holiday Wishes! 

Liam and I decided to make a gingerbread cake and then gingerbread cookies for our holiday baking lessons. He learned to stir the batter quite well without sticking his whole hand in it and he seemed pretty proud of the cookies we made. (Grandma helped us with the cookie cutter part.) We had a really nice Christmas weekend with our families!

Looking back at Oct-Dec, I can't believe how busy I've been. I managed to work 30+ hours weekly in addition to, (not cutting into), my full-time mommy schedule). I am one tired mama. As usual, I do my editing at night once I put my little man to bed and when he naps, I'm back working on orders etc. Thank you for all the business - I AM SO GRATEFUL.... though in 2012, I am making a few changes so that I get some much needed rest. (I'll keep everyone posted very soon on those 2012 changes.) 

I enjoyed receiving many of my customers' holiday cards with my purchased photo files on them. Thank you so much for thinking of me - I LOVE them all!  

And here are a few shots of Liam, practicing his newest culinary skills this month. See you on the next blog post in 2012! Give your kiddies a big hug from me and have a safe, happy & healthy New Year everyone!  

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Welcome Newborn D!

This pretty little lady, newborn baby "D" was just a pleasure to photograph. Just look at those sweet little toes!  I loved the baby blankets that D's parents, A & M, had for her -I used one in one of the shots below. So pretty! Congrats A & M - she's perfect! Also, congrats & thank you to E on your first beautiful grandchild!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Sweet Early Christmas Present - Welcome Newborn M

This itty-bitty beauty arrived several weeks early. Newborn Baby "M" was just 5 lbs. when I photographed her sweet little features. Just look at those pouty lips!!!  L & T, I'd say this has got to be the best early Christmas present anyone could imagine! Enjoy your little sweetheart - she is absolutely precious! Thank you so much, and also, thank you, A, for purchasing this gift certificate. And here are a few shots from Baby M's session...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sweet Baby O

Awww....This little sweetheart was so alert for the first couple hours until she gave into sleep. What a cutie! Newborn Baby O was such a pleasure to photograph. Thank you K & M - she is beautiful!