Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Family Wedding

This year, my brother's family flew in from CA to spend the holidays here in CT with the families. We were so excited to see our nieces together with our little guys. It was so nice to see everyone. Here are just a few shots of the cousins looking festive at Grandpa & Melissa's December wedding:

The cousin lineup.

Liam (2)

Heidi (2) 

Christian (7 months)

Violet (5 months)



 I love this shot of Heidi. Such a doll!

Lookin' so handsome.

Cousin love.

Sweetie pie, Violet, in her red dress.

Little Christian checking everything out.

Helping Grandpa eat his cake.

Someone also enjoyed squishing the cake! (Boy, was the floor a mess around us!)  I love this shot. Even though Christian's face is out of focus, I like the way his hand with the cake evidence is in focus. :)