Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013!

Swing the raquet, kick the ball,
Read a book, help me when I fall.
Watch the game, help me through,
These are just some of the things you do.

Soothe my cries when dreams are dark,
Push the swing when at the park.
Watch me with pride in your eyes,
As I grow up to touch blue skies.

Many days I sit and wonder,
What I will be like when I am older.
Will I be just like you?
I hope I am , Dad, I really do.

My boys love their Daddy so much & they are his world. Ryan, you are an exceptional Dad. We love you very much and want to remind you again, today, how much we love you and everything you do!

 Happy Father's Day to all Dads out there! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The T Family

I had the pleasure of photographing the beautiful T family again. I can't believe how much A has grown! (Has it really been 2 years ago that I photographed him at his 1st birthday milestone? It feels like yesterday...) I am so excited about the new family addition coming in August for your family. :) Congrats A on becoming a big brother soon! Thank you so much. It was wonderful to see everyone again!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The G Brothers - 1 Year Milestone

Cuteness times two! It was my pleasure to be able to photograph for a long time friend's sweet little twins at their One Year Milestone mark. I am lucky to be able to say that the adorable little pic of K sitting all handsome in the chair (bottom pic) is my little Godson. Love these babies... Thanks for having me capture your little ones & great to see you, D! xo 

Here are two peeks from their photo session: