Thursday, May 23, 2013

Christian's First Birthday

Our snuggly little Christian turned 1 year on Saturday May 18th. I can't believe how quickly his first year flew by! He is such a big boy now.... He's walking and climbing up the little stairs to get to the top of his slide....He really doesn't have much fear of trying to do whatever he sees and he wants whatever his brother has, toys or food.  

We had primarily a family party picnic with a kite theme at Hammonasset State Park on his birthday with a few family friends joining us. It was a gorgeous day outside and with just a little more wind, we could have had some more kites flying up in the air. I made way too much cake! I saved the top tier in the freezer so he could have it as his smash cake to eat later, which you'll see in some pics at the bottom. He loved it.

Here are just a few pictures taken (of many) from his party. I plan on using all the pics taken for a birthday album, using iPhoto- very affordable and sleek for anyone looking to make a picture book on their own for a sweet little occasion such as Christian's. I did the same for Liam's 1st birthday too. 
Here's a peek into Christian's special day: 

Christian, I love you so much!! You've learned so much in one year and Mommy's proud of the little (big) guy you are!  xo

daddy and mommy and our birthday boy!

tried to be more green by making fabric napkins. here's his cloud cake- didn't come out exactly as planned, but I think the icing kind of looked cloud-like.  

brothers enjoying the attention

kites for the little flyers

our babysitter, Kara

(above) here's the cookie monster at the party...

up, up and away...

Christian enjoying his birthday cake :)